服務宗旨:我們是一家專業的網路珠寶交易中心,秉持專業服務,提供不同所需的 珠寶商品。
服務項目:珠寶設計訂製、設計改件、珠寶鑑定、裸鑽、裸石、戒檯、戒指、吊 墜、胸針、套鍊、手鐲、手鍊、耳環、擺件......等。
About Us
Serving customer for more than 15 years, Belgium Diamonds has built a reputation as purveyors of premium ideal-cut diamonds.
Our personalized service is tailored to clients’ fine tastes and busy schedules.
Belgium Diamonds travels the world to source the best diamonds and precious gemstones. Our jewelry is made exclusively for you by our award-winning designer.
We offer clients a choice of jewelry, diamond necklaces, diamond earrings and fine jewelry.
You will find our pricing very competitive and in most cases considerably lower than retail.
We also offer jewelry restyling , professional repairs and appraisals.
Arrange for an appointment in our meeting.
Domani Jewelry Webtrade Center.
Jewellery designed for your style.
Choose your diamond or gemstone.
Choose your setting in gold or platinum.
And our award-winning designer will craft your choice of jewellery specifically to meet your requirements.
Which shape is your style?
Diamonds come in all shapes and cuts. The Round Brilliant cut is the most popular with its circular crown and a kaleidoscope of sparkling facets.
But there are many others too.
The Princess cut is a stunning four-sided diamond with a square or rectangle shape.
The Emerald cut is a classic rectangular shape with cut corners and an elongated horizontal surface.
Other cuts include asscher, pear-shaped, oval, marquise, radiant, heart-shaped and cushion.
Arrange an appointment with Belgium Diamonds to discover which cut suits you.